Associate Membership

The cost of an associate membership with WFSC is $150 for the full season. The associate member will have use of all available open ice time. Use of music must be shared by all during open ice time. The associate member may skate in any class of their choosing for the regular class cost plus $30.00 per class per season.

The associate member may participate in Exhibition/Cookie Walk.

The associate member will be allowed to participate in the annual ice show. The associate member will not be eligible for feature tryouts for the Annual Ice Show. All classes will include an additional $10.00 fee as an out of club cost.

An associate member is not eligible for a Senior Solo. To be eligible, they would have to have their home membership through the Waupun Figure Skating Club. Recognition during the Annual Ice Show for seniors will be reserved for full club members.

There are no volunteer hours or fundraising obligations.

If your skater chooses to participate in the Annual Ice Show, we will require that a parent/guardian volunteer during two of the three ice shows.

Associate Membership

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Available for skaters with USFS membership through a Club other than the Waupun Figure Skating Club for their home membership. The associate member must be in good standing with their home club.

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