Ice Show Feature Tryout Signup

If your skater is in Freeskate 4 or higher (Second Session), and is interested in skating in a Feature during the ice show this year, please register them for a Feature Tryout via the link provided.


Sunday, November 17TH 2024


WFSC Ice Rink


Time details will be sent closer to the tryout date.

Extra Costs

If your skater is chosen to participate in a feature there may be additional fees outside of the cost of the ice show to cover coach and choreography fees.

Ice Show 2025 Feature Tryout Signup

Skaters must be skating at or above a skill level of Freeskate 4 in the fall session of classes of that year.

Skater must be a member of WFSC in good standing.

Skaters must participate in a feature audition, where they showcase their talents and abilities.

No music or program is necessary. Skaters are encouraged to perform their best jumps, spins, and footwork, with the idea of an audience in mind. WFSC coaches will ‘judge’ and rate the skaters, and decisions will be made between the coaches and the feature committee.

Skaters will be placed with other skaters of comparable level and ability after auditions and assigned to the feature they are skating. The music committee will decide all music for the features, but features may be given an available list of music to choose from with recommendations for duet, trio, etc. to choose from for the ice show.

Other skaters may be added to a feature at the discretion of the Skating Director.

It is at the discretion of the Skating Director who is awarded a solo or feature.

If you participate in a feature there may be additional fees outside of the cost of the ice show to cover coach and choreography fees

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